Living with Passion

Many people in our own communities are already living and aging with passion. The following people have given permission to use their photos and brief stories about how they are uniquely living in mindful, passionate ways.
Thank you to all for sharing your inspiring stories!
Please feel free to contact OPAL Institute to discuss having yourself or a loved one included on this page of examples of living life to the fullest.
Our passionate living revolves around community volunteer activities chosen because of a belief in the outcome of our service. Whether it be doing clean up or watering at Hoyt Arboretum, taking a shift at the Portland Art Museum, organizing hikes for the Lake Oswego Hiking Group, or serving on the Beaverton City Library Board, the outcomes of our work bring joy. Because the others involved have a similar interest, they become long term friends.
We know we are at the upper years of our lives; quality of living is the goal. Family and friends are the gems of a living treasure.
~ Dick and Dot L
I battled depression for many years, through several negative business situations and severe marital discord which ended in divorce after 48 years. With the help of OPAL, I have come to recognize buried strengths. I now exercise regularly, interact with friends (many of them new friends who I have met via the Internet) volunteer for several non-profit organizations and live a full and active life. I have moved from a position of not valuing the rest of my life to one of looking forward to enjoying as many years as I can squeeze out of this old body!
~ Jerry I